Wednesday, January 26, 2011

insect lore

I'm majorly distracted right now. This usually happens before a big exam, like this coming Friday in biochemistry. Well, in the tradition of procrastination, I figured I'd post some pictures of my summertime pets. I purchased two praying mantis egg sacs at the beginning of summer from English Gardens and the results were these amazing creatures. One-hundred to 200 translucent mini-mantises (I'm talking a centimeter big) hatched from one sac. This is Ming, she lived in my front bush for two months and I peeped on her daily chillin'.


  1. This is so cool. We have done the caterpillars, but I want to try this with my 8 year old this summer.

  2. It was a super awesome and an incredibly low maintenance project! You simply tie the egg sacs (they came attached to a stick) to a bush and wait ~6 weeks if the weather is warm enough.

  3. Okay. I showed my son the pictures and he wants to do it.

  4. These things used to be around all the time when I was a kid; we used to search in the grass for them at recess during school I honestly don't think I have seen one in nature - or a wood stick - since I've lived in Rochester - and I back up to woods.
