Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hey, did you hear? I suck at studying!

Organic Chemistry by Brian Dettmer
This isn't news or anything. Whenever there is work to be done I'd rather waste time reading Harry Potter or marvel at my sticker collection. Seriously?! How do super brains do it? I'm studying glycolysis right now and I swear I yield a single molecule of ATP instead of two -- I have zero energy! In the same way the body stores glycogen to use later, my brain stores minuscule nuggets of information I pick up while working in a lab studying none other than cellular metabolism. Go figure.

I was reamed a few weeks ago because I forgot that one molecule of glucose yields two molecules of pyruvate which in turn is converted into two molecules of lactate. If you don't give a single fuck about this last sentence, do not go into biology!

I mean, biochemistry is fascinating (really, aspects of it are). The catabolic break down of sugar molecules like glycolysis are universal and our cells are badass little pieces of machinery cranking out energy allowing us to do work son!

Now for some inspired music to motivate!

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